Monday, 28 July 2014


0 marks


As a customer walked in to your shop and ordered a dish or 2. And you got them a different dish especially those they hate or dislike.

As a customer... What would you react to the situation?

People taught to be linear and accept the dish or request to change dish... Personally, my happily and excited mood will be $@#F(@@U$%!(%(C^(!@!$#!K)(^$@.

Yes, I may not right and should response like this or that...But, what? and what?  

Monday, 14 July 2014


Soy milk with grass jelly

I believed soy milk with grass jelly is a very common drink especially for the summer hot weather country like here (Malaysia). Don't you just get bored every time is the same taste??? is my twist :D :P
Add fresh orange zest and orange juice to it. It makes the drinks more fresh and tasty no more just plain soy and grass jelly taste.

*Pictures are taken from other sources. I will try capture original my own picture (Trying)